Baseline Survey

Social change  is complicated

The work you intend to do that will translate to needed impact for a long-term small steps can lead to great impact.

Identify daily activities that will translate to great impact

How do we measure the activities?

What are the ways to do that?

Research design (baseline assessment tells you the reality now)

The current situation: a bit of time to explore different aspects of the problem, root causes of problem and it connect with other causes.

Approach that have already been attempted? Where they successful? Or not? Where they unintended consequences

Why conduct baseline?

  1. Focus on the impact you rganization want to achieve and the vision of you organization
  2. Assuming we already know the context; thos of us who live in the community sometimes erronesly believe that the know the poblem but wrong assumption about the problem can lead the organization astray
  3. There is need to do more research and statistical analysis in order to understand the context of the problem
  4. Confusing the symptoms from the disease  e.g  using poverty among women as a case study ; the symptoms are lack of money, lacking of purchasing power, depression , youth violence. The disease is  poverty among women and youths
  5. Prioritizing other things: Focus on at least two priority and avoid distraction and time waist and energy.
  6. Taking a top -down approach instead of bottom dowm addproach; at early stage of NGO the organization has to adopt the bottom apptoach in addressing the issue they plan or set out to address and letter it will drae attenion to more donors.


 A base line measures for specific condition after a project has been desined based on the indication stated in the log frame.

It is the analysis of the current situation to identify the point of  a program or project.

How to design the baseline study

  1. The purpose of most baseline studies is to determine in a qualitative manner the current situation in community and assess the people perceptions and practice related to the development issues under qualitative investigation.
  2. The purpose of the study assist in the formulation of the study topic or title.
  3. Formulating the problem statement:  A clear problem statement helps in the further development of the research proposed and the selection of objectives and methodology of the study.
  4. Research justification/ rational :  A research studies is not a duplicate of other research topic already carried out on the issues
  5. A good problem statement should assist in the formulation of a convincing justification for baseline study.
  6. Literacture review : careful literature reviewreduces the chances of the proposed study duplicationg work that has already been don under the issue and understanding
  7. It helps to investigate what others have learn and reported about the issues that the new study proposes to investigate.
  8. Setting study objective: Properly formulate study objectives help to focus the baseline study and reduce the chances of collecting, information that is not strictly necessary for understanding and solving the problem under investigation.

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