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Abuja Network of NGOs Newsletter


Today’s world revolves around technology, so computer skills have become a necessity. You probably have one or more computers in your house, digital audio equipment, computerized appliances, handheld devices and much more.

Children grow up watching their parents, older siblings, and teachers type on a computer keyboard and wield a mouse.

Technology is a huge part of our lives, but it’s changing quickly, so figuring out how to teach kids computer basics can be a challenge

To address this challenge of making our kids become becomes digital savvy, techy and ICT compliant in a rapid change of technology use, Afrihub for Digital Literacy organized a summer holiday coding and basic computer training program for kids in Abuja Nigeria which was a hands on training where kids who has no foundation in basic computer skills were trained on  basic computer skills, such as windows operating system, MS Office, keyboard skills, mouse control and also kids were introduced to coding by using Scratch applications to introduce them to the fundamental of python programing.

Afrihub for Digital Literacy training package *

  • Basic ICT and Computer Training for Kids
  • fundamentals of  programming for kids
  • Robotics Training for kids/ Coding for robotics
  • Scratch Programming Training For Kids
  • Python programming training for kids
  • Introduction  to website design with HTML, CSS and Java Script

The training was a hybrid training that combined online training with physical class in our center

  • Physical Class
  • Online Training
  • Online Video Courses

Scratch Programming Training for Kids in Abuja, Nigeria:

The Scratch programing training for kids in Abuja, Nigeria  was a practical hands –on training, our scratch coding classes help kids learn how to code, starting from the basic blocks of code.

Scratch, a programing language we use is developed by MIT, Scratch uses animation , blocks of code to make coding fun.

Why should kids register for this scratch programming course?

When kids are introduced to coding it develop kid’s problem-solving abilities and set them up for future success with fundamental coding skills through practical hands-on scratch coding course.    Programming continues to be an important skill in the modern world. Childhood is a great time to start learning to program and to develop computational thinking creativity, and problem-solving skills!

Afrihub trains the kids to be able to reason logically, code, and build games using scratch programming while having fun. This will help kids quickly master the basics. After this course, they will learn text-based programming languages at a blazing speed and quickly make sense of any piece of code.

In this digital age, where technology is at the center of everything we do, coding for kids is becoming increasingly as important as the normal day-to-day school work for kids. This is so because programming opens kids up to a world of endless possibilities. A world where impossibility is nothing.

Kids learnt how to create amazing games, animated images, and songs in just minutes with a simple “drag and drop” interface.

It’s time to help your child learn essential knowledge and skills for coding and programming, kids used what they have learned to create their own games.

Afrihub scratch coding course is designed for parents of 5-16-year-olds who want to re-direct their child’s natural enthusiasm for playing games, into creating and coding games. By the end of the Scratch Programming training for Kids in Abuja Nigeria, children would  have built knowledge and skills which will give them an enormous head start at school and in the future.

The games increase in coding complexity as the lessons progress. Students learn primary methods and skills first, and then build expertise that will help them create their own games.

Our instructor is a qualified and experienced teacher who speaks clearly and precisely, leading the learner through the entire coding process. Each step is explained and demonstrated and there is plenty of opportunities for students to ask questions and experiment with the code for themselves.

Your child will build confidence with Scratch, and the processes of object-orientated coding, acquire powerful and transferable coding skills, and improve their creative, math, and computational thinking abilities.

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